Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) Upgrades

Baltimore, MD

Structural design of a number of elements required for a $263M upgrade of Maryland’s largest wastewater treatment facilities with a 180 MGD capacity. Back River will add a Denitrification Facility as part of the ENR plan which will significantly reduce the nutrient discharges to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The scope includes review of geotechnical reports; design of concrete structures, including foundations for buildings and tanks; design of steel framing; documents and specifications for the Denitrification Facility, Denitrification Chemical Facility and the Methanol Facility.

Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Headworks & Wet Weather Flow Equalization Project

Baltimore, MD

Structural design for $300M above grade structure and the below grade foundation for the new Wet Weather Pump Station.  The facility’s above grade structures involves design of a new Influent Pumping Station, Fine Screen Facility, Grit Removal Facility, Operations Center and Generator Facility.  Goals involve reducing sanitary overflows (flooding) in the collection system by solving the hydraulic restriction problem and protecting current plant operations from increases in wastewater inflows.

Carroll County District Court

Westminster, MD

$6.9M, 41,000 sf, three-story District Court Building to include two courtrooms, Headquarters for Public Defender, Juvenile Justice, Parole and Probation Monitor Program, and Department of General Services for the residents of Carroll County.

City of Frederick Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhanced Nutrient Removal Upgrades

Frederick, MD

$53M upgrade of the facility’s new wet weather treatment system pump station, Bioreactor Influent Splitter Box, Bio-Augmentation Reactor Facility, Denitrification Filters, concrete containment areas for the Methanol Feed Facilities, slab on grade for new diesel generators, foundation design for Administration Building and miscellaneous details.  The project added 2,000 sf of new space and ENR technology so the City can meet state requirements on the quality of the water flowing to the Chesapeake Bay. The project included additions to the administration building, replacement of the filtration building, construction of a bioaugmentation reactor and construction of several other smaller ancillary buildings and facilities.

DC Clean Rivers Project Division D – JBAB Overflow and Diversion Structures

Washington, DC

This $40M project, located on the Joint Base Anacostia Bolling (JBAB) military facility, includes a Diversion Chamber constructed around the Potomac Outfall Sewer; Overflow Structure, which conveys flow to the Potomac River; and an Odor Control Facility. The diversion chamber diverts flow to a tunnel shaft through the tunnel to the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Overflow Structure allows controlled overflow from the tunnel to the Potomac River while providing solids and floatable control with a combination of fixed screens and weirs.

Edgewood Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, Enhanced Nutrient Removal Upgrades

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Structural design of above and below grade elements related to the Secondary Influent Pump Station, Blower Control Building, Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR) Tanks and Screening Facility.  This $16M project included new influent screening, secondary biological treatment, denitrification filters, ultraviolet disinfection, shellfish protection tanks and state-of-the-art controls.

Maryland Correctional Training Center 192-Cell Housing Unit Addition & Renovation

Hagerstown, MD

Design and construction of a new, $39M, 47,000 gsf, 192-bed housing unit and 16,000 gsf medical and commissary additions to the existing support spaces of this correctional facility. A Disaster Recovery Center is included in the Commissary building. Two existing quonset huts are being studied for adaptive reuse; new structures will be designed as necessary to accomplish the architectural program.

Maryland Court of Appeals Parking Deck and Lobby Renovation

Annapolis, MD

Design and construction of a glass enclosed and roofed vestibule at the main entry on the first floor and a secure, single story parking deck over the existing judges parking lot; project included renovations to the main lobby area, including infill of the existing depressed floor area, updating of interior finishes and new main entry desk.

Maryland State Police Barrack “O” and Garage

Hagerstown, MD

$11.5M, 27,000 sf, two-story building to house a State Police Barrack, offices, meeting space and a forensic laboratory, including a 4,350 sf service garage. An existing garage on the site was demolished at the beginning of the project as the space was required for the new facility.

Maryland State Police Crime Laboratory

Pikesville, MD

$14.1M, 50,000 gsf, single story laboratory facility with a 20,000 sf, mechanical penthouse and partial basement, perimeter columns, foundations and spandrel beams fashioned to support loads of future horizontal expansion.

Youth Detention Center

Baltimore, MD

$36M, 61,000 sf facility housing 60 detainees, dedicated to providing housing and services for pretrial youths who are charged as adults. The current facility housing pretrial youths is adjacent to areas housing adult and inadequately separated from them; the new YDC will provide mandatory sight and sound separation from adult populations. The YDC will provide the extensive support services required of a juvenile population, including a full educational, medical and mental health services.