Community College of Baltimore County Carol Diane Eustis Center for Health Professions

The $65 million, 120,000 GSF project will provide new labs, classrooms and offices for CCBC health professions departments and is expected to be completed in the fall 2020 semester. The new Carol D. Eustis Center for Health Professions will be named in honor of the late Eustis, who was the dean of CCBC’s School of Health Professions for 12 years.

The new building will house eight health professions including nursing, respiratory therapy, radiology, radiography, emergency medical technology, physician assistant, massage therapy and medical laboratory testing. The center will have updated technology such as simulation labs with computer-controlled mannequins that mimic patient conditions, to help students learn. It will also include a home environment simulation lab for emergency response practice, an academic conference center with a flexible layout, small spaces for individual or group work, simulated exam and hospital patient rooms and a cross-discipline simulation lab designed to reflect emergency rooms. An expanded 140-seat testing center will also provide eight reduced-distraction testing rooms for special needs students.

Photos: © Tom Holdsworth

  • Architect GWWO Architects/Ellenzweig
  • Owner Community College of Baltimore County
  • Location Essex, MD
  • Categories Higher Education